NMMA Certified Boat and Yacht manufacturers are required to send at least one person from their organization to the NMMA Engineering Compliance Seminar at least once every two years. In addition, certified manufacturers must have at least one representative pass applicable Compliance Specialist exams annually.

Testing is based on the ABYC standards and NMMA Certification requirements for the upcoming model year. Upon successful completion of applicable exam modules, the individual will receive a certificate outlining the achievement and status as a Compliance Specialist.


We are pleased to announce that the 2026 Model Year Compliance Specialist Exams are now  available on Top Hat, an online learning platform that will allow you to easily complete and submit exams online.  You will also be able to review your results and retake the exams if needed.  The deadline to complete exams is June 30, 2025.

We are also excited to let you know that since the 2021 Compliance Seminar, all boat building members have been allowed to offer compliance exams to an unlimited number of participants at no additional cost!   Previously, members who did not attend the annual seminar were required to pay a compliance exam fee of up to $250 per participant. This expense limited most builders to only one Compliance Specialist per year. With the approval of the Boat and Yacht Certification Committee, the NMMA certification team now includes that single $250 exam fee as part of the annual certification fee paid at beginning of the model year—thus opening the exams to all employees of NMMA Certified members. This means our boat building members can now ensure their entire engineering, quality, supply chain and production teams are up to date with the most current ABYC standards, which in turn will help to mitigate their liability and exposure.

Please send the names and email addresses of the employees you would like to have complete the exams to Melissa Taylor ([email protected]).