NMMA’s Statistics and Research Department monitors, analyzes and tracks the boating and marine market, collecting data and publishing a variety of industry statistics and research reports for its members and the public.
To learn more about and access specific publications, visit the links below.
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U.S. Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract
Published annually, the U.S. Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract is the marine industry’s most complete collection of facts and figures.
Canadian Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract
The Canadian Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract is the most complete collection of facts and figures available for the marine industry in Canada.
Industry Data Summary
A monthly report that provides a snapshot of boating market and economic trends
Economic Impact Infographics by State
NMMA continuously monitors legislation and regulatory issues in all 50 states, pursuing the marine industry's objectives and defending it against potentially harmful government initiatives. NMMA has developed infographics to illustrate the economic impact of recreational boating for the U.S., each state and congressional district to educate the public and key decision-makers on regulatory issues.
MSR/Monthly Shipment Report
The Monthly Shipment Report tracks industry wholesale shipments of outboard motors, outboard boats, sterndrive boats, inboard boats, personal watercraft, jet drive boats, and trailers.
New Powerboat Registration Data
U.S. boat retail unit sales data, updated monthly.
Marine CEO Sentiment
A quarterly survey assessing the state and needs of recreational boat, engine and marine accessory manufacturing.
U.S. Total Boat Registration Statistics by Category and State
The U.S. Recreational Boat Registrations Summary Report provides data on boat registrations by state, size, propulsion and hull material. Regional summaries include population, income, shoreline and inland water data.
Industry Data Dashboard
Select economic and industry indicators with trend data and charts.
Outboard Engine Report
Monthly report focused on outboard engine statistics for both retail and wholesale data. Report inlcudes an inventory benchmark, a wholesale distribution channels table, and gas motor totals.
Inboard and Sterndrive Engine Report
Report detailing Inboard and Sterndrive Engine wholesale units. Data in this report is broken down by Horsepower and includes current quarter statistics as well as year to date statistics.
Boat Building Production Forecast
ITR Economics forecast of boat building production in the United States. Report includes forecasts on wholesale shipments as well as historical data trends and rates of change.
Market Data Book
A monthly report that takes a look at the important data shaping the marine market. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the statistics that matter to the industry including sales, market share, and consumer trends.
Recreational Boating Industry Statistics Book
ICOMIA publications highlighting important quarterly economic statistics and trends by country. Economic indicators in the report include inflation rate, percentage of economic growth (index varies by country), unemployment, and consumer confidence.
National Recreational Boating Survey
Survey published by the United States Coast Guard detailing boat ownership, use, and safety to achieve comprehensive population coverage data, generate high quality measurement of a variety of boat features and boating activities, and produce data to estimate different boating exposure rates.
Recreational Boating Statistics
Recreational Boating Statistics report contains statistics on recreational boating accidents and state vessel registration. It includes accidents by boat type, length, and conditions as well as registration statistics. This publication is a result of the coordinated effort of the United States Coast Guard and those states and territories that have federally approved boat numbering and casualty reporting systems.
Boating Legislation
Reviews of legislation that is directly impacting the recreational boating and manufacturing industry. Includes government bills, taxes, and testimony on subjects relevant to recreational boating.
Economic Trends and Statistics
ICOMIA publications highlighting important quarterly economic statistics and trends by country. Economic indicators in the report include inflation rate, percentage of economic growth (index varies by country), unemployment, and consumer confidence.
Life Jacket Wear Rate Observation Study
This report, published by JSI Research & Training Institute, provides data and analysis of national life jacket wear rates among recreational boaters to offer an understanding of the circumstances and patterns in which life jackets are worn/ It covers the year of publication and reports dating back to 1999.
Outdoor Recreation Participation Study
A look at trends in American participation in outdoor recreation with a focus on youth, diversity and the future of the outdoors. The study offers insights into current participant’s behavior and the direction of outdoor recreation participation.
Fisheries of the U.S. Report
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s annual report examines commercial and recreational fisheries in the United States.
Special Report on Fishing and Boating
This report provides a comprehensive look at overall trends in participation and detailed information and analysis of specific fishing and boating categories—including motivations, barriers and preferences of key groups.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
This report demonstrates the value of Fish and Wildlife-Related Recreation to the American people by providing information on participation and expenditures for fishing, hunting and wildlife watching.
Canadian Economic Outlook
This report provides an in depth analysis of the Canadian economy. It highlights key economic indicators, trends in trade, the labor market, and policies that will make an impact on the Canadian market.
Fishing and Hunting
This report analyzes the factors correlated with recent data in hunting participation, fishing participation and license sales. It uses a review of past research, interviews with agency personnel, and surveys of both hunters and anglers, and multi-regression analyses.
The Sailing Market
A monthly report that takes a look at the important data shaping the marine market. This report provides an in-depth analysis of the statistics that matter to the industry including sales, market share, and consumer trends.
International Upper Great Lakes Study
Findings of a five-year, peer-reviewed, investigation launched by the International Joint Commission in 2007 to evaluate options for regulating levels and flows in the Upper Great Lakes system and to assess the need for improvements.
Other Economic Reports
Examinations of the economic outlook of the United States and the global economy. These reports detail important statistical boating trends and key economic indicators.
Other Consumer Reports
Reports focused on consumer trends that are directly related to the recreational boating industry. Includes studies on leisure products, recreational boating access, and consumers’ economic attitudes.