Get Started in Exporting
Our strategic partners at the U.S. Department of Commerce publishes A Basic Guide to Exporting for companies new to selling overseas. It is available as a complimentary download along with an Exporting Basics Video series to learn more.
The "Get Ready to Export" Video Set:

Export Training and Seminars
NMMA produces free educational webinars that cover important international trade topics.Webinars are archived online and are always accessible to you as a members.
Trade Advocacy
Our dedicated team of professionals in D.C. help NMMA members resolve unfair trade barriers by working closely with our partners at the USDOC, U.S. Trade Representative's Office, and the U.S. State Department.
USA Pavilions at International Shows
NMMA’s negotiating power enables us to secure the most desirable locations at key boat shows worldwide. We also eliminate the hassle, offering cost-effective turnkey booths that allow exhibitors to explore new markets, seek distribution partners and build brand awareness. Favorable pricing and space priority are offered to NMMA members. Additionally, a number of state-based trade development organizations offer grant support for international shows.Contact your respective organization to inquire.
Market Research
Increase your chances of export success with market research. The following are resources you can use to collect essential global marketing data.
- ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Association) maintains a library of valuable information and data on the global recreational marine industry. As an NMMA member, you have free access to this data. Please contact Bryan Welsh to receive an access code for the library.
- NMMA’s Recreational Boating Statistical Abstract: As a member, you can reference this document which includes an overview of the export markets for boats and engines for free.
- ICOMIA Distributors' Guide: This reference was developed to assist marine industry businesses develop and implement an international distributor’s network.
- U.S. Department of Commerce can create a customized market-specific report to support your specific entry goals. This service is fee-based.
- The Pleasure Boat Resource Guide - 4th edition: The U.S. Department of Commerce has compiled a valuable Pleasure Boat International Resource Guide with more than 30 market reports for countries including China, Mexico, Egypt and Nigeria, sponsored by the NMMA.
- When conducting research on foreign markets, check out the latest market trends available through the US Department of Commerce’s U.S. Country Commercial Guides (CCGs).
Export Finance
Don’t let international payment risks or lack of working capital prevent you from developing or expanding your export activities.
Export-Import Bank of the United States (EXIM) is the official export credit agency of the United States. Its mission is to assist in financing the export of U.S. goods and services to international markets.
U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) specializes in export loan and working capital programs for the small business exporter.
International Logistics
Options for shipping products overseas include:
- International freight forwarders
- Shippers’ Associations
- Express delivery or mail services
- Arranging their own shipping
Exporters should evaluate each option to determine which one is right for their situation. International shipping information can be found at the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website . As an NMMA members you can also benefit from our freight savings plan.