Discover Boating Launches Pilot TikTok Campaign to Reach Next Generation

To further engage the next generation of boaters, Discover Boating, powered by NMMA and MRAA, recently launched a pilot campaign on TikTok to connect with its target audience in an authentic way on a platform where they seek compelling video content. Rather than a “traditional” media buy, this strategic effort allows Discover Boating to break through to consumers across a variety of demographics and interests and helps tell the industry’s story through influential content creators who encourage their engaged followers to get on the water and learn more at

Leveraging two of TikTok’s most popular categories – food and fashion – the #BoatAppetit and #WaterWear campaigns feature well-known food creators who share their favorite recipes to bring aboard and fashion-focused influencers who showcase their best boating attire and inspire people to join us on the water. In less than a week, the TikTok campaign has generated more than 3.5 million video views and counting. Check out a few examples below:

TikTok has over 1 billion monthly active users, and reports show that over the past year, users are aging up despite the misperception that its users are mostly young teenagers. Because of TikTok’s algorithm, authentic content is more likely to reach an audience that’s interested in what brands have to share. For Discover Boating, those are people who seek adventure, outdoor recreation, freedom, and the many other experiences that uniquely come with boating.

Stay tuned for more updates on Discover Boating’s content creator campaigns throughout summer.