Recreational Boating and Fishing Industry Applaud Reintroduction of Bipartisan ‘America’s Outdoor Recreation Act’

Last week Senator Manchin (D-WV) and Senator Barrasso (R-WY) reintroduced in the 118th Congress America’s Outdoor Recreation Act (AORA) with strong bipartisan support and the backing of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) and the larger outdoor recreation industry.

The NMMA and $862 billion outdoor recreation economy urge swift approval of this bill so that many more Americans can enjoy outdoor spaces and their associated benefits to health and wellness. “America’s Outdoor Recreation Act will bolster outdoor recreation access and opportunities for the millions of Americans who continue to discover the benefits of the great outdoors and time spent on our nation’s lands and waters,” said Frank Hugelmeyer, President and CEO of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA). “We thank Senators Manchin and Barrasso for their bipartisan leadership in re-introducing this critical bill, and are encouraged by the work underway in the U.S. House of Representatives to pass a meaningful recreation package early in the new Congress. The recreational boating and fishing industry urges Congress to swiftly pass this bill in the weeks to come.”

This groundbreaking legislation not only boosts local and national economies, it also gives more Americans — especially those in underserved areas — greater access to green spaces and public lands and waters while not costing taxpayers a dime to implement.

America’s Outdoor Recreation Act would:

  • enable permit streamlining to ease burdens on outfitters and guides and improve access to outdoor experiences;
  • improve access to recreation on public lands and waters;
  • ensure access to green spaces in underserved communities;
  • update outdoor recreation infrastructure;
  • develop, improve, and complete long range trails;
  • and invest in rural economic development.

“This is a commonsense, no-cost bill that will help equalize and improve access to green spaces and wild outdoor places in every state in the country,” said Chris Perkins, Senior Director of the Outdoor Recreation Roundtable. “We are seeing unprecedented interest in outdoor recreation, but many of the policies supporting outdoor recreation are outdated. This package will make it easier for Americans to access the outdoors and provide agencies with new tools to address long-standing outdoor recreation needs. We need solutions that enhance outdoor recreation opportunities while protecting America’s public lands and waters, and AORA is an historic step to update these policies.”

Learn more about AORA and the bill’s importance here.

For questions or additional information, please contact Callie Hoyt, NMMA’s Senior Director of Federal Government Relations, a [email protected]