Marine Service Technician Week Runs April 24-29

To bring awareness and recognition to marine service professionals who keep boats safe, reliable and enjoyable, the American Boat & Yacht Council (ABYC) designated April 24-29, 2023 as International Marine Service Technician Week. Industry stakeholders are encouraged to participate by celebrating and highlighting technicians throughout the week.

“We’ve heard from marine businesses large and small with their plans for next week and we are excited to see how everyone runs with this celebration,” said ABYC Marketing and PR Director Shannon Aronson. “It’s a busy time for many, so it’s nice to honor techs that are working really hard to get boats ready for spring and summer boating season.”

Visit for ideas on how to participate. To see examples of what businesses have done previously and to follow along this year, search for the social media hashtag #MarineServiceTechWeek and #ThankYouMarineTechs.

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