Dept. of Energy Report Offers Policy Recommendations for Energy and Emission Innovation

Last month, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) released their Interagency Action Plan for Maritime Energy & Emission Innovation, including data and recommendations for commercial and recreational boating, referred to as "non-commercial vessels." This report will be used by the agencies to recommend policies that will impact the recreational marine industry.

A significant amount of research went into the DOE’s creation of this report to account for the unique needs of recreational boating. Notably, the report aligns with key findings from the Pathways to Carbon Emissions Reductions in Recreational Boating report from ICOMIA/Ricardo and the Propelling our Future global education initiative, both focused on using data to drive decarbonization efforts.

One key theme outlined in the DOE report is the need for multiple technologies, such as sustainable marine fuels, hull efficiency improvements, hydrogen, electric, and hybrid-electric (an example is included in the accompanying graphic), including policy recommendations.

Click here to view the full report

For questions related to the Pathways research and Propelling Our Future initiative, contact NMMA’s Jeff Wasil at [email protected].